Car, money, Travel

How-to Save Money on Car Rentals

I think it’s time to write another blog about saving money with coupons. This time, I want to show you how to save money with car rentals. I find it amusing when I line up to pick up my car at the airport and overhear a conversation about how good their rate is. After hearing their price, I shake my head and giggle inside because I’m paying less.

Getting a good discount doesn’t require any magic nor putting a curse on anyone. It takes a little researching but aside from that, anyone can do this and write about it. Where do we begin?

1. Are there any specials on the website? Usually there is a tab on the car rental website listing all the specials available. If it’s a weekend rental then look for weekend specials. If it’s a week then look for weekly specials, etc. Take down the coupon code or discount code that you will need later when you book. Some companies expect you to print out their coupon and give it to them at the counter. I know Alamo is one of them.

2. Does the company you work for have any affiliations? Most corporations in the US and Canada have corporate rates. These companies have negotiated a rate with car rental agencies. The amount of discount will vary, depending on the size of the company. A saving of 10% is usual, but some affiliations can save up to 25%. Ask around for a corporate rate then ask which company is the affiliation with. This is usually called different things but note it down.

With these special codes noted down, go to the car rental agency’s website and enter the reservations area. Enter your trip information then enter the corporate code. If you have coupon codes, enter it into the appropriate fields.

Having an affiliated code is best to maximize savings. If you’re unsure about your corporate code or if your company is not affiliated with any car rental agency, check our site. We have made a permanent page for car rentals under our Travel section.